Investment Profile

By listing a licensed Investment Profile on M&A World Deal Sharing & Matchmaking Platform you can access 10,000+ validated acquisition opportunities and reach the largest audience of international Sellers and Advisors. This Profile allows you to make direct contacts with matches and additional connection possibilities.

The powerful tool is the personalized M&A Smart Agent, virtual advisor, which is available 24/7 to match users' search criteria against ongoing M&A opportunities. M&A Smart Agent notifies users automatically via email when relevant opportunities arise. This notification capability gives users a competitive advantage in being a jump forward and saving time and money.

Whether willing to purchase a business (100% acquisition), majority or minority part, increase capital or open to build a joint venture, you just need to post your Investment Profile and let the M&A World Smart Agent identify the most suited projects for you. Post now and become visible, reach off-market deals, benefit from M&A World featured functions & tools, furthermore, become a member of M&A World Community.

Users, who post a listing can choose to be visible for public or only for registered and approved users of M&A World Deal Sharing & Matchmaking Platform (Intranet).

Payment Terms: 79 € / month (950 € / year) paid annually via bank transfer. The applicable VAT must be added.

initial term:1 year
